Gas sensors for volatile compounds analysis in muscle foods: A review



Shui Jiang, Yuan Liu*


Trends in Analytical Chemistry


The volatile compound profiles of muscle foods change a lot during storage and processing. Odor property is one of the most important factors affects the purchasing behavior of consumers. Some volatile compounds such as ammonia, trimethylamine (TMA) can be used as indicators of quality deterioration. There has been an increasing demand for the fabrication of gas sensors used for volatile compounds analysis of muscle foods. Gas sensors including receptor-based and enzyme-based biosensors and metal-oxide semiconductor sensors are introduced to detect these indicators. The applications of sensor array combined with different data processing methods are also present. Gas sensor can be an efficient technique to evaluate the volatile compounds of muscle food, and more attention should be paid on the on-line sensor system with fast detection speed and robustness.


Volatile compounds; Gas sensors; Receptor-based sensor; Enzyme-based sensor; Metal-oxide semiconductor sensor; Muscle food
