Taste and stability characteristics of two key umami peptides from pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus)

作者:Ninglong Zhang, Hai Liu, Xirui Zhou, Wenli Wang , Yuxia Fan , Yuan Liu

期刊:Food Chemistry

摘要:Takifugu obscurus (T. obscurus) is known for its umami taste. Two taste-active peptides, Pro-Val-Ala-Arg-Met-Cys-Arg (PR-7) and Tyr-Gly-Gly-Thr-Pro-Pro-Phe-Val (YV-8), were proved as key compounds that contributed to the typical taste of T. obscurus. However, whether these peptides have the potential as umami supplements is unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the taste characteristics of PR-7 and YV-8, as well as stability at different pH values by sensory evaluation, instrumental analysis and quantum chemical calculation. The results indicated that PR-7 and YV-8 presented umami taste at near neutral pH (6.5–8.0) and had umami-enhancing effects. PR-7 also exhibited significant kokumi activity. Additionally, two peptides showed remarkable stability after different pH treatments, especially YV-8; this may be related to its stable structural property. All the results suggest that both peptides have great potential to be applied in complex foods to provide desirable taste, and act as a feasible alternative to monosodium l-glutamate.


Cite:Zhang N, Liu H, Zhou X, et al. Taste and stability characteristics of two key umami peptides from pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus)[J/OL]. Food Chemistry, 2022, 371: 131124.