Remodeling of ryanodine receptor isoform 1 channel regulates the sweet and umami perception of Rattus norvegicus

作者:Wenli Wang, Dingqiang Lu, Qiuda Xu, Yulian Jin, Guangchang Gang, Yuan Liu

期刊:bioRxiv - Biochemistry 

摘要:Sweet and umami are respectively elicited by sweet/umami receptor on the tongue and palate epithelium. However, the molecular machinery allowing to taste reaction remains incompletely understood. Through a phosphoproteomic approach, we found the key proteins that trigger taste mechanisms based on the phosphorylation cascades. Thereinto, ryanodine receptor isoform 1 (RYR1) was further verified by sensor and behaviors assay. A model proposing RYR1-mediated sweet/umami signaling: RYR1 channel which mediates Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum is closed by its dephosphorylation in the bud tissue after umami/sweet treatment. And the alteration of Ca2+ content in the cytosol induces a transient membrane depolarization and generates cell current for taste signaling transduction. We demonstrate that RYR1 is a new channel in regulation of sweet/umami signaling transduction and also propose a “metabolic clock” notion based on sweet/umami sensing. Our study provides a rich fundamental for a system-level understanding of taste perception mechanism.


Cite:Wang W, Lu D, Xu Q, et al. Remodeling of ryanodine receptor isoform 1 channel regulates the sweet and umami perception of Rattus norvegicus[A/OL]. bioRxiv, 2021: 2021.07.20.453074[2023-11-29].