Effect of Traditional Stir-Frying on the Characteristics and Quality of Mutton Sao Zi

作者:Shuang Bai, Liqin You, Yongrui Wang, Ruiming Luo

期刊:Frontiers in Nutrition

摘要:The effects of stir-frying stage and time on the formation of Maillard reaction products (MRP) and potentially hazardous substances with time in stir-fried mutton sao zi were investigated. Furosine, fluorescence intensity, Nε-(1-carboxymethyl)-L-lysine (CML), Nε-(1-carboxyethyl)-L-lysine (CEL), polyaromatic hydrocarbons PAHs), heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs), and acrylamides (AA) mainly presented were of stir-fried mutton sao zi. The furosine decreased after mixed stir-frying (MSF) 160 s due to its degradation as the Maillard reaction (MR) progressed. The fluorescent compound gradually increased with time during the stir-frying process. The CML and CEL peaked in MSF at 200 s. AA reached its maximum at MSF 120 s and then decreased. All the 5 HAAs were detected after MSF 200 s, suggesting that stir-frying mutton sao zi was at its best before MSF for 200 s. When stir-frying exceeded the optimal processing time of (MSF 160 s) 200 s, the benzo[a]pyrene peaked at 0.82 μg/kg, far lower than the maximum permissible value specified by the Commission of the European Communities. Extended stir-frying promoted MRP and some hazardous substances, but the content of potentially hazardous substances was still within the safety range for food.


Cite:Bai S, You L, Wang Y, et al. Effect of Traditional Stir-Frying on the Characteristics and Quality of Mutton Sao Zi[J/OL]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9[2023-11-29].