Technology characteristics and flavor changes of traditional green wheat product nian zhuan in Northern China

作者:Yadong Jin, Shuang Bai, Zengwen Huang, Liqin You and Tonggang Zhang

期刊:Frontiers in Nutrition

摘要:Nian zhuan has its aroma as one of the perceived principal characteristics. The current study was aimed mainly to investigate the potential to include the aroma of nian zhuan as a new target criterion into the green wheat product chain. By improving the conditions for the traditional processing of nian zhuan, the optimal processing conditions were determined as green wheat (GW) 14 d, steaming the green wheat with the skin (SGWS) 26 min and cooked green wheat peeled (CGWP) 280 min, to evaluate the feasibility of using electronic nose (E-nose) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to discriminate nian zhuan in different stages. E-nose was used to recognize nian zhuan odors in different processing stages, and GC-MS to identify the individual volatile compounds. A total of 139 volatile compounds were detected by GC-MS, of which 71 key were screened by t-test (P < 0.01). The W1W, W1S, W2W and W2S sensors of E-nose gave higher responses to all samples, and effectively discriminated the samples. The most volatile compounds were produced in the millstone milling (MSM) stage of nian zhuan, and millstone could promote the release of volatile compounds from cooked green wheat by milling.

DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2022.996337

Cite:Jin Y, Bai S, Huang Z, et al. Technology characteristics and flavor changes of traditional green wheat product nian zhuan in Northern China[J/OL]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9[2023-11-29].